Here is this week's list of upcoming policy meetings occurring in the DC metropolitan area.
District of Columbia
DC Council
Legislative Media Briefing-Monday, December 6th at 10:30 am
Transportation & the Environment Public Roundtable-Monday, December 6th at 12:00 am
Public Roundtable on the following Legislation:
The Department of Public Works’ Enforcement Against Vehicles with Substantial Unpaid Traffic Fines
Committee of the Whole Meeting Tuesday, December 7th at 12:00 pm
Measures considered:
Bill 24-77,“District of Columbia Public Schools Technology Equity Act of 2021”
Bill 24-158,“Expanding Student Access to Period Products Act of 2021”
Bill 24-423,“Coronavirus Immunization of School Students and Early Childhood Workers Amendment Act of 2021”
Bill 24-432, “School Financial Transparency Amendment Act of 2021”
Bill 24-371 “Ward Redistricting Amendment Act of 2021”
Legislative Meeting -Tuesday, December 7th at 1:00 pm *Click link for the full list*
First Reading and Vote on Proposed Bills
Coronavirus Immunization of School Students and Early Childhood Workers Amendment Act of 2021(Bill 24-423)
Expanding Student Access to Period Products Act of 2021(Bill 24-158)
Final Reading and Vote on Proposed Bill
Child Wealth Building Act of 2021 (Bill 24 -236)
Expanding Student Access to Period Products Act of 2021(Bill 21-158)
School Financial Transparency Amendment Act of 2021(Bill 24-432)
School Financial Transparency Amendment Act of 2021(Bill 24-432)
Ward Redistricting Amendment Act of 2021(Bill 24-371)
Reading and Vote on Congressional Review Emergency
Child Wealth Building Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2021 (Bill 24-537)
Final Reading and Vote on Temporary Legislation
Analyzing Additional Emergency Procurement Activity Temporary Amendment Act of 2021 (Bill 24-472)
Non-Public Tuition Continuity Temporary Amendment Act of 2021 (Bill 24-486)
Anti-SLAPP Temporary Amendment Act of 2021(Bill 24-492)
COVID Vaccination Leave Temporary Amendment Act of 2021(Bill 24-405)
Tenant Safe HarborTemporary Amendment Act of 2021 (Bill 24-469)
Fair Meals Delivery Second Emergency Declaration Resolution of 2021
Reading and Vote on Emergency Legislation
District of Columbia Housing Authority Resident Commissioners Election Deadline Extension Emergency Amendment Act of 2021
First Reading and Vote on Temporary Legislation
Fair Meals Delivery Second Temporary Act of 2021
Encampments Protection and Public Health and Safety Temporary Amendment Act of 2021
Constituent Unemployment Compensation Information Temporary Amendment Act of 2021
Human Services Public Hearing-Thursday, December 9th at 10:00 am
Public Hearing on the following Legislation:
Committee of the Whole Public Oversight Roundtable-Thursday, December 9th at 10:00 am
Public Oversight Roundtable on the following Matter:
Improving School Attendance: Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism Issues in the District
Recreation, Libraries & Youth Affairs Public Roundtable-Thursday, December 9th at 11:00 am
Public Roundtable on the following Legislation:
PR 24-435, the “Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys Dr. Tamara A. Henry Confirmation Resolution of 2021”
PR 24-436, the “Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys LeVar Jones Confirmation Resolution of 2021”
PR 24-437, the “Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys Kiye Corbitt Confirmation Resolution of 2021”
PR 24-438, the “Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys John Cotten Confirmation Resolution of 2021”
PR 24-439, the “Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys Genaro Stewart Confirmation Resolution of 2021”
PR 24-440, the “Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys Ben James Brown Confirmation Resolution of 2021”
PR 24-441, the “Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys David Gaston Confirmation Resolution of 2021”
PR 24-442, the “Commission on Fathers, Men, and Boys Quentin Roosevelt Confirmation Resolution of 2021”
Charles County
Board of Charles County Commissioners
Charles County Commissioners' Meeting -Virtual (Legislative Day)- Tuesday, December 7th at 9:00 am
Board of Education
Montgomery County
Montgomery County Council
Council Session-Tuesday, December 7th at 9:00 am
Election of Council Officers
Call of Bills for Final Reading:
Expedited Bill 41-21, Elections - Council Districts - Boundaries
Bill 43-21, Health – Advisory Board for Montgomery Cares Program – Amendments
Introduction of Bills:
Expedited Bill 47-21, Taxicabs – Age of Vehicles
Public Hearings:
Bill 44-21, Montgomery County Green Bank - Funding - Fuel-energy tax revenue
Bill 45-21, Elections – Public Campaign Financing – Restrictions
Council Sitting as the Board of Health
Updates from County Government and Montgomery County Public Schools – Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Health Planning
Prince George’s County
Prince George’s County Council
Council Session-Tuesday, December 7th at 11:00 am
Exchange of Gavel Ceremony (Election of new Council Officers)
Board of Education
Operations, Budget & Fiscal Affairs Committee Meeting-Wednesday, December 8th at 5:00 pm
Board Meeting-Thursday, December 9th at 7:00 pm
Discussions include:
Policy & Governance Committee Recommendations regarding
Rescission of Board Policies 5110 - Public School Choice Transfer Option,
Adult Education Tuition Waiver: Senior Citizens,
No Child Left Behind,
Study Habits and new draft Board Policies,
Indigenous Peoples' Land Acknowledgment
Inclusive Environments for LGBTQIA+ People
Request to Extend the Public Charter School Agreements – Imagine Lincoln Public Charter School and Imagine Foundations at Morningside Public Charter School
Alexandria City
Alexandria City Council
Board of Education
Ad Hoc School Board Advisory Support Committee Meeting-Tuesday, December 7th at 7:00 pm
School Board FY 2023-2032 CIP Add/Delete Work Session #1-Wednesday, December 8th at 7:00 pm
School Board Retreat-Thursday, December 9th at 6:30 pm
Arlington County
Arlington County Board
County Board Regular Meeting-Saturday, December 11th at 8:30 am
Arlington County School Board
Fairfax County
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
Full Board of Supervisors Meeting (Public Comment)-December 7th at 9:30 am
Discussion: Board Adoption of the 2022 Legislative Program for the Virginia General Assembly, Approval of the County’s 117th Congress Federal Legislative Strategy and Principles
Fairfax County School Board
Governance Committee Meeting-Tuesday, December 7th at 1:30 pm
Governance Committee Meeting-Thursday, December 9th at 11:00 am
Audit Committee Meeting-Thursday, December 9th at 4:00 pm
Special Meeting Legislative Briefing-Tuesday, December 7th at 9:30 am