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CLPA List of Upcoming DC Area Policy Meetings (February 13th-February 17th)

Writer's picture: CLPA Policy StaffCLPA Policy Staff

This week the Maryland General Assembly will have several committee bill hearings. There are several bills to pay attention such as:

  • HB0200, Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2024)-Making the proposed appropriations contained in the State Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024,

  • SB0861, Consumer Protection – Scanning or Swiping Identification Cards and Driver's Licenses – Prohibition- Prohibiting a person from using a scanning device to scan or swipe an identification card or a driver's license of an individual to obtain personal information of the individual; prohibiting a person from taking certain actions regarding information collected by scanning or swiping an individual's identification card or driver's license under certain circumstances; providing that a violation of the Act is an unfair, abusive, or deceptive trade practice under the Maryland Consumer Protection Act and subject to certain penalties; etc.

  • HB0177, Elections - Ballot Questions - Publication of Proposed Laws-Requiring the State Board of Elections and each applicable local board of elections to post the complete text of certain proposed language or enactments relating to certain ballot questions for at least 65 days before the general election; and prohibiting the questions from appearing on the ballot unless the proposed language or the enactment has been written.

The Virginia General Assembly will have several committee bill hearings. There are several bills to pay attention such as:

  • HB 1530, Special elections; extends the deadline for parties to nominate by methods other than a primary. Extends the period of time that parties have to nominate a candidate by a method other than a primary for a special election that is not held on the date of a general election from within five days to within 10 days of the writ ordering such special election.

  • HB 2286, Campaign finance; contribution limits, civil penalty.Establishes contribution limits from any individual to any candidate campaign committee, political action committee, and political party committee and from any political action committee or political party committee to any campaign committee. The bill provides that any candidate, candidate campaign committee, political action committee, political party committee, or contributor that knowingly violates the contributions limits established by the bill is subject to a civil penalty of up to two times the amount by which the contribution exceeds the limit. The bill prohibits any person that is not an individual from making any contribution to any candidate for elected office.

  • HB 2448, Arrest without warrant authorized in certain cases; powers of arrest, private police officers. Adds private police officers employed by a private police department to the list of officers that have the powers of arrest without a warrant in certain cases.

The DC Council will have a hearing regarding the FY24 DCPS School Budget in Washington, DC. From the hearing announcement:

In December, the Council adopted the Schools First in Budgeting Amendment Act of 2022, which requires the Mayor and the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) to increase individual school budgets using a specific budget calculation that begins with the school's budget for the previous year. The purpose of this hearing is to analyze the initial budgets for individual schools to ensure they adhere to the requirements of the law and hear from education stakeholders about how the proposed funding will impact student achievement and supports in the coming school year. This hearing is not about the overall DCPS budget.

This week in Maryland, the Charles County Board of County Commissioners will hold a Briefing regarding Draft Bill 2023-02 Maryland Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (MD PACE). PACE Loans are offered through the Department of Energy, and programs exist for:

  • Commercial properties (commonly referred to as Commercial PACE or C-PACE).

  • Residential properties (commonly referred to as Residential PACE or R-PACE).

The bill references CPACE, the program for Charles County that would pay for a wide variety of clean energy and resiliency solutions. In 2021, the General Assembly enacted legislation to the existing C statute, expanding the program to allow environmental remediation and resiliency measures.

The Montgomery County Council will have a public hearing on public hearing on Bill 3-23, Environmental Sustainability - Montgomery County Green Bank, and Expedited Bill 5-23, Personnel and Human Resources -Prospective Employees – Health Care Privacy. CLPA will provide an analysis of Bill 3-23 later this week. The Council will also see the introduction of Bill 10-23, which would create the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Commission to better coordinate the provision of services to individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their families.

The Prince George's County Council will discuss CB-004-2023-A Pilot Project Labor Agreement, which aims to fund construction projects that "create entry-level positions for residents that are both necessary and desirable." This week, there will also be a hearing on the FY2024 Legislative Branch budget.

Virginia, this week, the Alexandria City Council will have a meeting. They will have an update on the 2023 Virginia General Assembly Session and review their legislative recommendations. They will also vote on serval nominations to open County Commission and Board seats. Virginia has no legislative meetings this week besides the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. They will have a Legislative Committee meeting this Friday, but the agenda has not been made public yet.

Below is the list of the most important meetings occurring around the DC Area this week.


Click on the blue hyperlinks below for more information about each meeting.

District of Columbia

DC Council

  • Committee of the Whole Public Oversight Hearing-Monday, February 13 at 3:00 pm

DC State Board of Education



Maryland General Assembly

  • Maryland House of Delegates is in session: Will meet on Monday, February 13, at 8:00 pm.

    • A complete list of Committee meetings occurring this week can be found here.

  • Maryland Senate is in session: Will meet on Monday, February 13, at 8:00 pm.

    • A complete list of Committee meetings occurring this week can be found here.

  • County Delegation Meetings and "Other" Meetings

    • A complete list of Delegation meetings occurring this week can be found here.

Charles County

Board of Charles County Commissioners

Charles County Board of Education

Montgomery County

Montgomery County Council

  • Montgomery County Council meeting-Tuesday- February 7 at 9:00 am

    • Legislation/Policy of interest:

      • Public Hearing

        • Bill 3-23, Environmental Sustainability - Montgomery County Green Bank

        • Expedited Bill 5-23, Personnel and Human Resources -Prospective Employees – Health Care Privacy

    • Introduction of Bills

      • Bill 8-23, Boards, Committees, and Commissions - Open Meetings - Supplemental Requirements

      • Bill 10-23, Health - Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Commission - Established

Montgomery County Board of Education

Prince George's County

Prince George's County Council

Prince George's County Board of Education



Virginia General Assembly

  • Virginia House of Delegates is in session: Will meet on Monday, February 13, at 9:00 am.

    • A complete list of Committee meetings occurring this week can be found here.

  • Virginia Senate is in session: Virginia House of Delegates in session: Will meet on

    • A complete list of Committee meetings occurring this week can be found here.

Alexandria City

Alexandria City Council

Alexandria City Board of Education

Arlington County

Arlington County Board

Arlington County School Board

Fairfax County

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

Fairfax County School Board


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