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CLPA List of Upcoming DC Area Policy Meetings (November 6- November 10)

Writer: Center for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)Center for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)

Discover the latest updates and key developments in local government activities across the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and beyond in our weekly comprehensive report. From legislative meetings to policy reviews, budget discussions, and educational initiatives, this update provides a concise overview of essential matters shaping the future of these regions.

Whether you're a concerned citizen, policymaker, or simply interested in staying informed about local governance, this report offers valuable insights into the decisions and actions that impact your community. Dive into the details of government agendas and stay up-to-date on the critical issues that shape the fabric of these diverse and dynamic localities.

See a full list of meetings below.

District of Columbia

DC Council

The DC Council will hold a Legislative Meeting tomorrow at noon. A few of the bills we are tracking inlcude:

  • Bill 25-42, Grounds for Divorce, Legal Separation, and Annulment Amendment Act of 2023

  • Bill 25-124, Prior Authorization Reform Amendment Act of 2023

  • Bill 25-278, School Student Vaccination Amendment Act of 2023 (Final Vote)

DC State Board of Education

There will not be a public meeting of the DC State Board of Education this week.



Maryland General Assembly:

The Maryland House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate are currently adjourned and not in session.

However, please see Maryland General Assembly 2023 Dates of Interest for information about pre-filed bills.


Charles County

Board of Charles County Commissioners

The Board of Charles County Commissioners will not meet this week.

Charles County Board of Education

The Charles County Board of Education will host a town hall today at 7:00. Among other issues, the Board will discuss Career and Technical Education in CCPS.


Montgomery County

Montgomery County Council

The Montgomery County Council will meet tomorrow at 1 pm. On the agenda will be multiple public hearings and the final reading of several bills. The bills and public hearings we have highlighted this week can be found below.

Public Hearings

  • Supplemental Appropriation #24-25 to the FY24 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government Department of Transportation Bill 11-23, Motor Vehicles and Traffic - Traffic Signals, Devices, And Automated Enforcement Plan (The Safe Streets Act of 2023), $1,606,000

  • Special Appropriation #24-14 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Government Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Rent Stabilization Bill 15-23, $1,374,470

Bill Final Reading

  • Bill 22-23, Transient Lodging Facilities - Short-Term Residential Rental

Montgomery County Board of Education

The Montgomery County Board of Education will hold a business meeting this Thursday at noon. During this meeting, the Board will provide an overview of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) progress in implementing Maryland's Blueprint for the Future while also spotlighting essential initiatives that contribute to MCPS' continuous efforts in achieving the objectives outlined within the five Blueprint Pillars.


Prince George's County

Prince George's County Council

The Prince George's County Council will convene its meeting tomorrow at 1 pm. At the meeting, several Council Bills will have public hearings and vote to enact several bills.

A list of those bills can be found below:

  • CB-058-2023: This Council Bill proposes amendments to the service of process for antilitter and weed violations.

  • CB-075-2023: This Council Bill establishes a ban on real estate appraisal bias in Prince George's County.

  • CB-076-2023: This Council Bill revises the language of the Fair Election Fund to provide greater clarity.

  • CB-078-2023: This Council Bill provides legislative intent, definitions, and requirements for Police Department towing contracts.

  • CB-080-2023: This Council Bill establishes a Vacant Property Registry Program for unmaintained vacant residential, commercial, and industrial dwellings and buildings in the County.

  • CB-082-2023: This Council Bill aims to increase real and personal tax credits for eligible grocery stores within designated healthy food priority areas.

  • CB-088-2023: This Council Bill creates the Cannabis Reinvestment and Restoration Board, outlines its purpose, membership, and duties, and establishes the Community Reinvestment and Repair Special Revenue Fund.

The Council will also discuss the following bill:

  • CB-066-2023: This Council Bill amends the Prince George’s County Code to require security surveillance at high occupancy dwellings and age-restricted senior housing residences as part of landlord-tenant regulations.

Prince George's County Board of Education

The Prince George's County Board of Education will meet this Thursday at 7 pm. During this meeting, the Board will discuss several items, including information on the application for the new charter school, Friendship Aspire Bowie STEM Public Charter School. During the meeting, there will also be an update regarding the 2024 PGCPS Legislative Platform.

There's also a continued discussion regarding the Comprehensive Education Boundary for Crossland High School, along with Board Policy concerning Geographic Boundaries of Attendance Areas and the Consolidation or Closure of Schools. Moreover, the agenda includes Board Policy 5125.4, about Informed Consent for Student Data Gathering, and Board Policy 5168, addressing Automated External Defibrillators.



Virginia General Assembly:

Both the Virginia House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate are adjourned and not in session.


Alexandria City

Alexandria City Council:

The Alexandria City Council will not have a public meeting this week

Alexandria City Board of Education

The Alexandria City School Board will not have Board meeting this week.


Arlington County

Arlington County Board

The Arlington County Board will have a meeting this Saturday at 8:30 am. The agenda, however, has not been made public yet.

Arlington County School Board

The Arlington County School Board will hold a public meeting on Thursday. During the meeting, they will discuss appointments to School Board Advisory Committees and discussions related to social media litigation. Additionally, there are considerations for deeds of easement at Cardinal Elementary School and Kenmore Middle School for county stormwater facilities and an ART Bus Shelter, respectively. They will also review the Board's legislative package and review the School Board FY 2025-2034 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Direction, revisions to School Board Policy I-7.1.8 Family Life Education, the Annual Summer School Report, and proposed fees for Summer School 2024.


Fairfax County

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will not hold a full committee meeting this week.

Fairfax County School Board

The Fairfax County School Board will hold a full Board meeting on Thursday at 7:30. During the meeting, there will be discussions on community participation, academic matters, attendance, student representative matters, and superintendent matters.

The meeting will also include a performance review regarding the superintendent's relationship with the board and deliberations on renaming W.T. Woodson High School.

During the "Consent Agenda" section, the Board will consider matters such as secondary course offerings, an intergovernmental contract for the University of Wisconsin WIDA English Language Proficiency Assessments, the Bonnie Brae Elementary School renovation and addition project contract award, and grants of easement to utility companies for various school properties.

During "New Business," the Board will discuss the issuance of school bonds, the 2024 FCSB State and Federal Legislative Program, a baseline report on Strategic Plan Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence, and policies with no proposed changes (P4720, P4730, P4731, P4740, P4750, P4760, and P4770). These new business items will be discussed and voted upon in subsequent meetings.


Staying informed about local policies is of utmost importance as they significantly impact our daily lives. Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to stay informed about these proceedings and engage with their local representatives to contribute to the decision-making process and ensure their voices are heard. CLPA will provide continual updates throughout the week on any new development here on our site, on Twitter: @LocalPolicyCTR, and on Facebook @localpolicycenter.



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