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CLPA List of Upcoming DC Area Policy Meetings (September 30- October 4)

Writer: Center for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)Center for Local Policy Analysis (CLPA)

Discover the latest updates and key developments in local government activities across the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia in our weekly comprehensive report. From legislative meetings to policy reviews, budget discussions, and educational initiatives, this update provides a concise overview of essential matters shaping the future of these regions.

Whether you're a concerned citizen, policymaker, or simply interested in staying informed about local governance, this report offers valuable insights into the decisions and actions that impact your community. Dive into the details of government agendas and stay up-to-date on the critical issues that shape the fabric of these diverse and dynamic localities.

CLPA will provide continual updates throughout the week on any new developments on our site, on Twitter: @LocalPolicyCTR, and on Facebook @localpolicycenter.

See a complete list of meetings below.

District of Columbia

DC Council

The DC Council will have a Legislative Meeting on Tuesday at noon. Here are several of the bills that will have a vote:

  • B25-0287 - Counseling Compact Approval Act of 2023, Increase public access to licensed professional counselors, establish uniform standards for reporting problems and disciplinary actions against counselors, Improve information sharing, and create a commission to oversee and enforce the compact.

  • B25-0581 - Medical Cannabis Clarification Amendment Act of 2023, which would improve patient access by expanding access for non-residents and potentially broadening qualifying patient criteria, strengthen quality control, promote social equity by considering family member convictions in social equity applications and streamline and clarify the licensing process.

  • B25-0106 - Comprehensive Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Access, Readiness, and Sustainability Amendment Act of 2023, which would Promote the adoption of electric vehicles, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, modernize infrastructure, and ensure equitable access to charging.

  • B25-0910 - Labor and Safety Omnibus Emergency Amendment Act of 2024 is actually three amendments. The first amendment provides a temporary delay to a minimum wage increase, the second clarifies funding for the Secure DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2024, and the third modifies the dynamics of collective bargaining in the District government by placing the burden of proof on management to demonstrate that a particular matter is explicitly outside the scope of collective bargaining.

DC State Board of Education

The DC State Board of Education will not have a public meeting this week.



Maryland General Assembly:

The Maryland House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate have adjourned for the year but will be back in session in January 2025.

Charles County

Board of Charles County Commissioners

The Board of Charles County Commissioners will convene tomorrow at 12:30 pm. The early portion of the meeting will focus on budgetary matters, including proposed amendments for education funding and the Mattawoman Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Commissioners will also consider a funding request from the Interfaith Commission.  Land use and development issues will be a key part of the agenda, with discussions on zoning changes related to the Aviation Business Park (Bills 2024-07 and 2024-08).

The Commissioners will then shift their attention to a review of the Sheriff's Office Retirement Plan and briefings on the 2024 Bond Issue, Summer Youth Employment program, and the Mallows Bay Visitors Center Feasibility Study.  Community improvement projects will also be on the agenda, with the Commissioners set to approve selections for collaborative initiatives.  The evening will be dedicated to work sessions, where the Commissioners will delve into the 2025 State Legislative Proposal Package and proposed zoning revisions outlined in Bill 2024-06.

Montgomery County

Montgomery County Council

The Montgomery County Council  will have a Council Session tomorrow at 10:15 am.  Following some general business and an interview for a vacancy on the Advisory Commission on Policing, the Council will move into its legislative agenda.

Bill 12-24, concerning compensation for the Police Accountability Board and Administrative Charging Committee, will be up for final reading and a vote. The Council will also address several items on its consent calendar, including a supplemental appropriation for the State's Attorney's Office (Resolution #25-10) and an amendment to the Capital Improvements Program for the Department of Recreation (#25-22).  These items will be introduced, with public hearings and action scheduled for later dates (October 15th and 22nd, respectively).  The Council will then vote on resolutions to confirm various appointments made by the County Executive.

The afternoon session will include three public hearings on proposed legislation:

  • Bill 15-24:  Focuses on taxation for public safety officers in bi-county agencies.

  • Bill 16-24:  Proposes amendments to the Development Impact Tax.

  • Bill 17-24:  Addresses non-merit positions within the Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions.

The Council will also hold a public hearing on the FY26 WSSC Water Spending Control Limits

Montgomery County Board of Education

The Montgomery County Board of Education will  hold a joint meeting with the Montgomery County Planning Board tomorrow at 6:00 pm. The meeting will focus on collaboration between the two boards, specifically addressing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance their partnership. They will also discuss a utilization report, likely concerning school capacity and resource allocation, and review the Growth & Infrastructure Policy, which guides development and infrastructure planning in the county.  The meeting will be led by Ms. Karla Silvestre, President of the Board of Education, and Mr. Artie Harris, Chair of the Planning Board.

Prince George's County

Prince George's County Council

The Prince George's County Council  will meet tomorrow at 1:30 pm to discuss several important pieces of legislation. The Council will introduce two bills: CB-052-2024, which aims to exempt qualified data centers from certain subdivision regulations, and CB-078-2024, concerning the collective bargaining agreement for Prince George's County Police Civilian Employees.

Resolution CR-064-2024, pertaining to amendments to the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan, will be eligible for final reading and adoption.  The Council will also receive briefings on the state of the workforce and updates from Council Member workgroups. A joint public hearing is scheduled for 6:00 PM to discuss the West Hyattsville-Queens Chapel Sector Plan and a proposed sectional map amendment. This public hearing offers residents a chance to provide input on these important planning documents

Prince George's County Board of Education

The Prince George's County Board of Education will not hold a business meeting this week.



Virginia General Assembly:

The Virginia House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate have adjourned for the 2024 session. They will be back in session in January 2025.

Alexandria City

Alexandria City Council:

The Alexandria City Council will not meet this week.

Alexandria City Board of Education

The Alexandria City Board of Education will not hold a Board meeting this week.

Arlington County

Arlington County Board

The Arlington County Board will not have a full public Board meeting this week. They will, however, have a closed session meeting tomorrow at 3:00 pm.

Arlington County School Board

The Arlington County School Board will not convene this week.

Fairfax County

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will not convene this week.

Fairfax County School Board

The Fairfax County School Board will not convene this week.



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